斯里蘭卡借貸10億盧比提振漁業 斯里蘭卡漁業暨水產資源部部長Rajitha Senaratna表示,政府將借貸10億盧比用於振興漁業及提升服務品質。R氏進一房屋二胎步表示,該部打算藉由增加水產品消費量來解決國民營養不足的問題,並將現在每人每日平均31公克的水產品消費量達到政府設定60公克的目標;該部計太平洋房屋畫藉由增加680,000公噸的產量提高獲利;大量來自北方水域的水產品刺激產量成長34 %,該部並打算增加遠洋作業活動。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade 租屋News, No. 20/2010)ONE BILLION LOAN TO DEVELOP FISHERIES SECTORMinister of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Dr. Rajitha Senaratna 裝潢said that the government will obtain a loan of a billion Sri Lankan rupees in order to develop the fisheries sector and provide 房地產quality services to the people.He said that the rate of malnutrition in the country has risen by 21% and that the ministry intends to 婚禮佈置control the problem by increasing fish consumption. The current daily average per capita consumption of fish at present is 31 grams, 網路行銷and government targets to increase it to 60 grams.The ministry intends to increase its output to 680,000 MT and thereby increase its 房屋二胎profits as well. The highest output of fish is gathered from the north which has increased by 34% and the ministry intends to 關鍵字排名increase deepsea fishing activities.

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